I am trying to keep this search bar on this site, but OF staff are trying their darndest to remove it.
They are not permitting me to post any "TOS related" discussion publicly on the forum as a TOS violation.
As I am not allowed to post anything about the pending discussion on the forum, I'll post updates here.
Proof that I can't post this on the forum.
OF thread discussion about orbiter-mods.com is locked.
As per OF staff I can't post discussions about TOS even on my own site.
I think I am shadow banned from OF. No matter, I'll set up some place for the community to talk without full on censorship.
I have setup a place to chat for anyone interested in what I am trying to build here.
Please join me at chat.orbiter-mods.com
OF index: OF Index
It's about 28 MB of raw data on disk client side after being decompressed by the client. Each page, which is about roughly 100 KB in size is fetched once
every 10 seconds. That's about 10 KB/s.
OF has also been banning entire ASN's to try and stop me: